Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hello Everyone

Hello everyone! I am growing and having lots of fun. I am now over 10 weeks old. I just had my first round of shots. They were a piece of cake! I am going next week to get two more shots. I am making many more sounds and I am much more active when I play. Here is a picture of my daddy and I playing after my bath. I hope to see you soon!
I hope mommy and daddy don't catch me sleeping
in their bed!

Hanging out in my new outfit!!

World Champs!

Hanging out with Grandma Kingston and Grandma Betty.....and Barkley!

Some more new friends!

Are you sleeping Brody?
Do you think I can wake Brody up?
This is my new friend Anna! Isn't she cute!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I love visiting all my new friends!

This is me visiting with Sydney,
Nicholas, and Carson. My mommy
used to baby-sit them!

Here I am with Alex and Kelly.
Alex is much bigger than me!

This is my mommy and I with
my new friend Luke and his
mommy, Amanda. We are going
to be best buddies!

Movie Star Part II

Play Time

I went to the doctor a few days ago for my two month check-up. I am now 23 3/4 inches long and weigh 12lbs. 4oz. I am growing very fast! I am in the 75th percentile in weight and height. I have to get my first baby shots on Tuesday, and I am not looking forward to it at all!
I am really starting to play more as you will see in my video, and I love to smile all the time. I also go to Baby Yoga class once per week, and I love it! I hope you enjoy my new pictures and video!


This yoga class makes me tired!

Leaving Baby Yoga with a big smile :)

Tummy time is one of my favorite activities at Gymboree!

I am all smiles!

Lounging on the Couch