Friday, August 22, 2008

Thank Goodness it is Friday! I am worn out!

I cannot even make it through my diaper change!

I Love My Veggies!

Feed me, Mommy!! I am hungry!

I love peas!

My First Bike Ride With Daddy!

I am ready to ride!

Check out my new helmet!

Lets go, Daddy!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Brody is 5 Months Old!!!

Hello everyone! I am turning 5 months old this week and starting to do so many new things! I love to grab whatever I can and put it right in my mouth including my feet! I am also getting my first tooth already! I love to stick my tongue out and pretend cough! My Mommy and Daddy miss me a lot when I am at the sitter each day, but I am learning a lot and making lots of new friends. I always enjoy the weekends though so I can spend time at home with my parents. I will try and update you all again soon!

Go Colts!!

Touchdown, Brody!!!

I love the new stadium and cannot wait for my first game with Mommy and Daddy!


Swimming with Mommy!

I love the pool!!!

I am a dancing machine!!!

I love to boogie!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Brody is getting to be a BIG BOY!

Hello everyone! Sorry I have not updated my blog in such a long time but I have been busy this summer! My Mommy and Daddy are getting ready to go back to school so I am trying spend as much time with them as I can before I go the sitter. =( I had my 4 month check up last week, and I am growing so much! I weigh 14 pds. and 10 oz., and I am 26 1/4 inches long! I am in the 95th percentile for my height. I know that I did not get my height from my Mommy! The doctor said I was doing great and ready for some baby food! As you can see from the video, I am now eating rice cereal at night and some type of vegetable. I am a great eater and really like sweet potatoes the best so far! I am also starting to laugh and I love to squeal really loud! Mommy is going to try and make a video soon so you can all hear me because I love to talk! Hope you enjoy my blog!

Boy, am I tired!

Put me to bed earlier, Daddy!
There is no way I am finishing this bottle!

Time to play!

I love to play under my mat!

I am eating real food now!

Give me some more food Mommy!
This is good! I am not too messy, am I?

My first taste of rice cereal!