Saturday, October 25, 2008

My Girlfriends and I at the Sitter

I am in charge with all the ladies! =)

Brody Update

Sorry, it has been so long since I have updated my blog, but I have been really busy! My Mommy and Daddy were on fall break this week so we went to a cabin in Nashville and stopped by my first orchard on the way. I also am getting ready for Halloween this weekend. I went to my first Halloween party at Gymboree on Saturday night and had tons of fun! You will see my costume in the pictures below! I am getting so big and LOVE to talk! I have learned to clap now and I love to imitate sounds. I am trying to scoot but not have much luck yet. Well, I am off to bed now! Have a Happy Halloween everyone!!!

My First Trip to the Apple Orchard

Family time on the hay at the orchard!

Look at me! I am an apple!

Mommy, what kind of animal is that?

No more pictures, please! I just want to play!

I am so tall!!! =)

Ready to drive the tractor!

Spending Fall Break With Mommy and Daddy in Nashville, Indiana

This is my new friend, "Blackie." He came to visit
us everyday at the cabin! My Daddy even fed him
an apple! Mommy was a little nervous about
"Blackie" getting so close to me! =)

Relaxing with my Daddy!

I love playing in the leaves!

What do you want now? I am trying to play!

I love sitting on the bear stool!

Fall break was the best! Mommy, Daddy, and I
had a great time!

I love to clap my hands and my feet now!

Halloween at Gymboree

I love the pretty girls!!

This is so fun!!!

Look at me bobbing for apples!

I love pumpkins!

I even got to bowl!

I love Halloween at Gymboree! It is so fun!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Look at Me!!

Thanks, Aunt Anjali for my cute LA shirt!!

So big!!!

Go Colts!

Go Colts!! What a big win against those Texans!

I am in Level 2 now at Gymboree!

I love watching the bubbles with my new friend, Jacob!

These taste good!!

I always listen to my teacher!!

Wow!! This tunnel is scary!!!

Playing Catch with Daddy!

I love to play catch with my daddy!