Monday, January 19, 2009

9 Month (almost 10 Month) Update

Sorry it has been so long since I last updated everyone, but I am so busy now that I can crawl everywhere I barely have time to keep up with my blog. I also love to now pull up on everything I can find which makes Mommy very nervous since I am also starting to fall a lot more. I still love to talk and laugh at myself all the time. I am also starting to scream which is not my Mommy and Daddy's favorite thing! My new favorite game is, peek-a-boo, because I can now hide from my Mommy and Daddy! I went to the doctor last week, and she said I was doing great! I weighed 19.5 pounds and was 29 1/2 inches long. My weight and head size are average, but I am still in the 75th percentile for my height which makes Daddy very happy! Mommy and Daddy will do better at reminding me to update my blog more often so everyone can see how much I am growing!

Daddy is already teaching me to play baseball!

I am trying to hard to hit the ball but it is tough!

I am learning to walk with my new toy!

Daddy is teaching me to take SLOW steps with my new toy! Mommy is still pretty nervous about it!

Bubble Time in the Bath!

I love when Daddy blows bubbles during my bath!

Fun at Gymboree!

This place is so fun!

I can even dunk the ball now!

I love to fly on Mommy's legs!!!

Mommy loves to give me big hugs!

Watch out, here I go!

Daddy loves to help me slide!

Bubbles are my favorite!