Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Walking like a pro now, well sort of!!! =)

Here I am really starting to walk so much more. Sorry the video is so long but Mommy and Daddy were trying to catch me doing all of the new things I can do! I am getting so big!! I will update with more info soon!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Happy Easter Everyone!

Happy Early Easter Everyone! I had my first visit with the Easter Bunny this weekend, and I actually loved meeting him. I was so happy when he let me sit on his lap. I cannot wait to celebrate with an Easter egg hunt this weekend! I also had my one year check-up this week. I weighed 21.5 pounds and am 29.75 inches long. The doctor said I am very healthy and am now drinking whole milk and eating big people food! I hope everyone has enjoyed my blog over the first year of my life, and I promise to update you all as I continue to conquer many more milestones throughout this next year! I love you all!!!

I am just starting to WALK now!!!

I am trying so hard to walk now. Mommy and Daddy were so excited to see me take my first steps while they were home with me on spring break! I am sure I will be full speed ahead in a few weeks! I am sure Mommy and Daddy cannot wait! =)

My B-day Party at Gymboree!!!

This is the awesome gym my friends and I got to
play on all afternoon! It wore me out!!

This room had all the good food!

I really enjoyed my cookie cake!

This is me getting a good workout!

Mommy give me a snack, please!!!

Here is my buddy, Jake!

My buddy, Parker was also there to help me celebrate!

My friend, Jacob was ready to eat the cake like me!

Luke loved the bubbles!! He is one of my best buds!

My other bud, Preston was so happy too!

My girlfriend, Ellie, always makes me smile!

This was so fun!!!!

Mommy, Daddy and I after a great party!
Thanks for everyone who came!
One last snapshot with the boys!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I had a GREAT 1st Birthday!!!!!

This is my new shirt from Grandma and Grandpa
Antrobus. My Daddy sure hopes it will come true

I love opening my new presents!

Check out my new wagon from my Aunt Megan!
I LOVE to ride in it!!!!