Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

This is me surprising Daddy using one of Mommy's old traditions to celebrating a early Happy New Year since I cannot quite make it until midnight!! The Baker family wishes everyone a Happy New Year!!! We hope 2011 will be another fantastic year for us and all our friends and family!!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

This is me before I went out to eat with my Great Grandpa and Betty for a special Christmas dinner. I was a very good boy and had a great time with my family! I even got to play the bells with the Christmas carolers at the restaurant.

Look, my hair is just like my Uncle Wes's hair!

I love my Mommy and Daddy!

The newest Colts player!! Thanks, Papaw Rick for my uniform! I love it!!!

I heard the Colts were short at the wide receiver position so Peyton let me know if you need me because I have been practicing.

I had to leave out some food for the reindeer on Christmas Eve. I was really cold, but I wanted to make sure Santa and his reindeer would make it to my house that night. Thanks, Daddy for your help!

*Thank you to all of our friends and family. We had another wonderful Christmas. We are so blessed to have all of you and are so thankful for everything we were given. I hope all of our friends and family know how much they are loved and appreciated by us. Thanks again, and happy new year!

Sorry these videos are out of order!!! =)

This is my new train set from Santa. I like to pretend it is the Polar Express because that is my favorite book and movie right now.

My mom always and still does love opening her stocking the most on Christmas Day so she is trying to pass that same tradition onto me. I think have those suckers at the bottom may have done it for me!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Polar Express

This Friday the Stiens family and mine rode on the Polar Express in Connersville, Indiana. I had a great time! I got to talk with Santa and even saw the North Pole. I told Santa I wanted bubbles, a helicopter and a plane. He was so nice, and I was not scared at all. The Polar Express was so cool!!! I cannot wait to go on it again next year!

Luke and I were ready for the train to start moving towards the North Pole.

I was so happy to finally reach the North Pole! There was lots of lots and decorations. When all of the kids sang loud enough, Santa came out to see everyone. It was awesome!

Here I am telling Santa I want a helicopter, plane and bubbles. He gave me a bell as the first gift of Christmas! I loved ringing it!