Saturday, November 12, 2011

Beef and Boards Show

I went with his buddy, Baylor, and his sister to see Pinocchio at Beef and Boards on Friday. After the show, I was able to meet some of the characters. I first decided I wanted to meet the blue fairy. I walked right up to her and said, "Your so pretty." She told me thank you and that I was very sweet!

After meeting the fairy, I also was able to meet Pinocchio and his daddy. They were very nice and I was excited to get to talk to them. Sorry the picture is so blurry.

This is Annabelle, Baylor and I after the show. Mommy wanted to get a good picture of all of us but I decided to act silly! We all had a great time together and really enjoyed the show!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

City Lights at Mt. Pleasant/Halloween

I had the City Lights program at my school that allowed all the kids to ride their bikes around the "city." I had to get insurance, go to the bank, McDonald's, get gas, and I even got a ticket from the police for riding too close to my friend on his bike. It was such a fun day and a great experience.

This is me and my buddies ready for the big ride around the city.

Here CJ and I colored pictures to help describe our day.

This is me filling with gas to the pump! I bet it was expensive! =)

Baylor and I getting McDonald's for lunch.

After a long day in the city, we had popcorn and a movie to celebrate.

This is me at Zoo Boo with Mommy and Daddy. I am such a cute spider!

Happy Halloween! Here I am as Peyton Manning with my neck brace and all.

This is Mommy and I before I headed out to get some yummy candy.

Even if the Colts are 0-8, the Bakers still show love to the team!!!

This is my buddy, Alex. He and I went trick-or-treating together this year.

I LOVED getting candy from all the houses. I kept asking if I could eat my candy every time I got a new piece.

By the end of the night, I was not wanting to take anymore pictures. All I wanted to do was eat my candy!

This is me going trick-or-treating at my first house. Listen to what I said to the people as they answered the doors to give me some candy. I hope everyone had a great Halloween like me!