Sunday, May 27, 2012

Fun in May

I played soccer again this spring. I still do not go after the ball much, but I at least stayed out on the field during the whole game.

Having fun with my teammates

Is this game over, yet???

This is my cousin, Henry, acting crazy on the swing. 

Henry and I having fun in the sprinkler.

Lovin' this warm weather.

Henry and I have so much fun playing together.

This is me at Luke's 4th birthday party.

Here I am jumping on the trampoline.


Fun with the parachute at Fundamentals.

Happy Birthday pirate Luke!

Preschool Graduation

I had my end of the year celebration at school. We had a 70s theme.

This is me with my two favorite teachers, Miss Donna and Miss Maureen.

Mommy was so proud of me!

Here I am goofing off with my best buddies, Copper and Baylor.

More singing with my class.

Circus Night at Mt. Pleasant

Mommy and I acting like clowns before circus night at my school.
The cutest clown ever!

This is my funny belly rolling video!

Preschool Field Trip to the Creek

Mommy and I had a great day at the creek with my class.
So fun even if the water was freezing!
This is me enjoying my day!

Miss Donna taught us all about leaves on our nature walk.

Here I am with my buddies Baylor and Jackson.

This is my other buddy Cooper and I cheesing for the camera.

What a great day at the park!