Saturday, June 30, 2012

Vacation to Traverse City, Michigan

Grandma and I having fun out on the lawn playing with the frisbee.

Aunt Andrea and I love to act silly together.

This is my out on the pier at our condo looking out at Lake Michigan.

I love it here!!! =)

This is Mommy and I at a beach near our place.

Family picture time!

One of my favorite things to do was to throw rocks into the lake.

Come back, Daddy!!

I am right here, Daddy!

Papaw and I found lots of rocks to throw in the lake. Daddy also taught me how to skip rocks on the water.

We stopped at a museum called, "Spirit of the Woods." It was very interesting!

I spent tons of times jumping in the pool by myself. I am so brave now.
Look at me!

Too cool!

We even visited a Lego exhibit during out vacation. It was lots of fun.

Daddy and I are hard at work here building a Lego car to race down the ramp.

This is the Lego car Daddy and I built to race down the ramp.

Here it goes. I hope our car does not break.

The museum even had an exhibit full of cherry pits that you could dig for arrowheads in and I found one.
Our last stop on the way home from Michigan had to, of course, be the Whistle Stop. This is Mommy and I posing on the train.

I love trains so much!

I had to check out all the trains and get as close as I can to them.

Ding, Ding!!!

Watch out for that train!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Conductor Brody waving good bye!

This a quick video of me jumping in the pool all by myself. What a great vacation!!!!

Swim Lessons 2012 at SHS

I had my first swim lessons this summer and loved them!

I finally went under water all by myself!!!!

It wasn't so bad. :)

This is me doing a front float.

Here is my back float.

So fun!

I jumped into the water all by myself. Mommy and Daddy were so proud of me.
Then was time for the diving board. I was not so sure about that. I walked out all by myself and even waved to Mommy.

But I decided I needed a little help with my jump! :)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Summer Fun

There is no way I am related to Brent Baker! =)
Here is a quick video of my hitting baseballs with my Daddy.