Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween/Bryson 9 Months Old

Bryson and I were both skeletons for Halloween this year. I was a pretty scary one, too!
I sure do love my brother!
I had a great time trick-or-treating with my friend, Zach.  I also got lots of candy!!!!
Bryson is now nine months old!!!!

Here is my top 10 lists of things to know about me now that I am 9 months old:

1) I still LOVE to smile at everyone!
2) I can say, "bye, bye," and wave my hand.
3) I love to be around people.
4) I tap my thumb on everything.
5) I make a lot of funny noises.
6)I am always aware of what is going on around me.
7) I like to watch the Gigglebellies on the IPAD.
8) I still enjoy playing with any toys that are really not toys like water bottles, paper, pens, remotes and markers.
9) I can make a really sad lip when I am upset.
10) Daddy can always make me laugh! 

This is me laughing with my Daddy.