Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Bryson is getting so big!!!

On Wednesday, we had Byrson's 1 year check-up.He is doing so well and is very healthy. He weighs 22 pounds (25th percentile), was 31 inches long (75th percentile), and his head was 19 inches (90th percentile.) He is still not walking but is all over the place. He gets into everything!! He is talking really well and says, "fire," "fan," "phone," "all done," mama," "dada," "bye,bye," "bobo (Brody)," "uh-oh," "ball," and "papaw." He signs milk, please, all done, train, and more. He can find his nose and sometimes will tell us what the monkey says. Bryson loves play with paper towels and anything he can rip up. He also likes to stand things straight up and gets mad if things do not stay standing. We love Bryson so much!!!!!!! Enjoy the video below of him doing one of his favorite things and saying a few words!