Monday, July 21, 2008

Brody is 4 Months Old!

Brody's 4 month birthday is on Tuesday!! He is just growing so much it is unbelievable! We go to the doctor on Thursday so we will update you all with his height and weight this weekend. I am sure he is grown so much since his last check-up. I hope you enjoy the new pics and videos!

I Can Roll Over!

My Mommy and Daddy Love Me So Much!

Watch Me Bounce

Dinner Time

I love to sit and have dinner with my Mommy and Daddy in my high chair!
I cannot wait to have food on my tray instead of these toys!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I love my mommy!

Jumpin' Brody!

My new favorite toy!
I do not know quite what to do yet, so I will just eat my hand!

Mommy, what do I do in this thing???

I LOVE Gymboree!

Hang on to me Daddy!!
I see my ball!

I love tummy time with all the ladies!

I can really lift my head up now!

I always pay attention to my teacher!

I love to take walks in my stroller!

I can sit up in my stroller now!

Brody's Update

Hello everyone! I am having a great summer with my mommy and daddy, and I wanted to share some more pictures and a video with everyone so you can see how big I am getting! On Tuesday, I will be 15 weeks old! I cannot believe it! Time goes by so fast! I rolled over for the first time on Saturday from my tummy to my back! It scared mommy because by the time she turned around I was already on my back! I am getting to be such a big boy! I still LOVE to talk, and I am making more and more sounds each day. I got in the pool on Sunday for my second time, and it was much better! I actually liked it and want to swim again soon! I also love to chew on everything I can get my hands on now. Mommy thinks I may be teething already! I also love my new jumper that I can bounce in and now I can also sit in my strolller like a big boy! I only have a few more weeks at home with my mommy and daddy before they go back to school so I am going to really enjoy my time with them. I hope you like my updated pics and video!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Hanging out at home!

I love eating my apple!
Daddy makes me laugh!

So sad!!!

Daddy is so silly!!!

I am so tired after my walk with Daddy!

I love my carrier!

I am getting so big!!

I love to spend time with my Daddy!

Fourth of July

This was my first time in the pool with Daddy. I did not like it at all!!
Get me out!!!!

What a life!!!

My First Visit with Katie

I hope I can play basketball like you someday!