Sunday, July 13, 2008

Brody's Update

Hello everyone! I am having a great summer with my mommy and daddy, and I wanted to share some more pictures and a video with everyone so you can see how big I am getting! On Tuesday, I will be 15 weeks old! I cannot believe it! Time goes by so fast! I rolled over for the first time on Saturday from my tummy to my back! It scared mommy because by the time she turned around I was already on my back! I am getting to be such a big boy! I still LOVE to talk, and I am making more and more sounds each day. I got in the pool on Sunday for my second time, and it was much better! I actually liked it and want to swim again soon! I also love to chew on everything I can get my hands on now. Mommy thinks I may be teething already! I also love my new jumper that I can bounce in and now I can also sit in my strolller like a big boy! I only have a few more weeks at home with my mommy and daddy before they go back to school so I am going to really enjoy my time with them. I hope you like my updated pics and video!

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