Friday, December 26, 2008

My First Christmas!

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas just like I did this year! I want to thank everyone for making my first Christmas so special! I got to spend some time with the Baker family in Wabash, and I also got to see the Antrobus family on Christmas Day! It was so fun, and I love all my new toys! I cannot wait to play with everything! I go the doctor for my nine month check-up on the seventh so I will update everyone again with how much I have grown then. I am also slowly crawling now and imitating everyone so much with all the new sounds I have learned. I wish everyone a Happy New Year, and I hope you like my new pics and videos!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!

Mmm...I sure do love my puffs!

I did get my own stocking this year with lots of goodies

What is under all this paper????

I was not much into opening my gifts this year, but I
sure did love the wrapping paper and boxes!

1 comment:

Ella and Caden said...

Merry Christmas Bakers! Brody, you are one cute little man! Way to go crawlin' your way into trouble! :)

Happy New Year!