Sunday, March 29, 2009

Happy Early 1st Birthday

Mommy wanted to post a few pics of my first birthday party in Wabash! I had a great time and everyone was so nice to get me so many awesome gifts!! Mommy will post much more of the birthday celebrations to come this week! I turn ONE on Wednesday!!!

This was my first piece of cake, and I LOVED it!

Mommy, this is good!!!

Not sure I can eat much more!

This is my new gift from my Grandma Sue and Grandpa Jim.
I love to ride the zebra!!

This was my awesome cake before I devoured it!!

Look at the cool gift my Uncle Wes and Aunt Carrie got me! I am not sure who loves it more though me or my Daddy! I am already practicing for March Madness!

This is me at my first birthday celebration of many!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patty's Day everyone! I just wanted to do a quick post so you all can see that I am becoming a big boy! I cannot believe that I will be one in just a few weeks! I promise to post a lot more pictures on my big day and update you on all my growth since my last doctor's visit. Hope everyone is doing well!

Big Talker!

I want everyone to know that I am getting to be so big!! I also am really starting to babble more which is so funny! Watch out everyone because I have a LOT to say!

This is me saying a few of my favorite words! Sorry about all the background noise!! =)

Brushing my teeth

I really like my new toothbrush!

My First Visit with Aunt Andrea

My Aunt Andrea flew all the way from Thailand to meet me.
I love to show her I am so big!!! I cannot wait to see her again soon!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Quick Update

I love to show everyone where the light or the fan is in a room!

Look, I am so big!!!

I cannot believe that I am already 11 months old! I am getting to be such a big boy who amazes my Mommy and Daddy each day with all the new things I am learning. I now says, "duck," "dog," "quack," "clock," and finally "mama!" I also try so hard to imitate all my Mommy and Daddy's actions like talking on the phone, lifting my arms to show that I am so big, and even brushing the little hair I have! I am also developing quite a personality and love to let everyone know when I am not happy or want my way! I can even stand now for a few seconds on my own and am really ready to start walking! Anyway, I will have so much more to update soon before my big first birthday!!

Fish face

This is his new fish face! He also loves to make this face when he is trying to give me kisses! =)

Update on the Bubbles Song

I know you all saw the other bubble video in the bath, but now Brody has started clapping and imiating me more on the song as I sing it! It is so funny!