Sunday, May 31, 2009

More Fun Outside

Here are a few more pics of me outside with my new sprinkler! I LOVE it and was not at all worried about getting soaked!!

My First Haircut!

I had my first haircut this week, and I did NOT like it one bit. I did okay in the car until she sprayed my hair with the water. I was done after that! My Daddy had to hold me for the rest of the time and when she got the clippers out, it was even worse! No more haircuts for me for awhile!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Having Fun Outside

This is my new car that I love to play in everytime I am
outside. It is also my new favorite word to say.

I was not a big fan of the pool. The water was very

I am getting better about keeping my hat on these days.

I also love to put my face in the water or eat the side of
my water table!

This is my new water table, and I love it!

Here is a short video of me playing outside! Mommy and Daddy are having trouble posting videos so sorry I have not had many lately. I am a very busy boy now and love to be outside whenever I can. I continue to talk more and more and am developing quite the personality especially when I want my way. Mommy and Daddy are very glad to FINALLY be done the school so we can all enjoy a long summer break together. We leave for Hilton Head in two weeks so I am sure I will have A LOT to post when I return. I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Brody's One Year Pics

These were a few of Brody's one year pics! We took them a few weeks ago at the IMA, and we loved how they turned out! Brody did a GREAT job!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

13th Months Old Already

Today, I am a year and one month old which is very hard to believe! I am getting so big and am quite a parrot now. I saying so many new words, and love to repeat after my Mommy and Daddy. I am walking everywhere and keeping my Mommy and Daddy very busy. They are counting down the days until school is out so we can do lots of fun things together. I will add some more videos of me soon! Miss you all!!

Swimming Class

I love my new swimming class at the YMCA!

Mommy is teaching me to float and sometimes I even like to stick my face in the water.

My buddy, Luke, is in my class too, and we both love to play in the water!

Oh no Mommy, not underwater!!!

I actually kind of liked it!! No crying at all!!