Monday, May 25, 2009

Having Fun Outside

This is my new car that I love to play in everytime I am
outside. It is also my new favorite word to say.

I was not a big fan of the pool. The water was very

I am getting better about keeping my hat on these days.

I also love to put my face in the water or eat the side of
my water table!

This is my new water table, and I love it!

Here is a short video of me playing outside! Mommy and Daddy are having trouble posting videos so sorry I have not had many lately. I am a very busy boy now and love to be outside whenever I can. I continue to talk more and more and am developing quite the personality especially when I want my way. Mommy and Daddy are very glad to FINALLY be done the school so we can all enjoy a long summer break together. We leave for Hilton Head in two weeks so I am sure I will have A LOT to post when I return. I hope everyone had a great weekend!

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