Thursday, June 11, 2009

Visit with the Gunns in Atlanta

New Mommy Lynne with my Mommy holding
her new beautiful baby girl, Camryn.

The Gunns and the Bakers having fun in Atlanta.
As you can see, I wanted down!!!

Daddy holding Camryn.

Daddy, Camryn, and I hanging out. I like baby Camryn a lot but
not when my Mommy or Daddy were holding her.
Thanks to the Gunns for letting us visit! We had a GREAT time!

1 comment:

Mike & Biz said...

Hi Allison! I'm a friend of Sonya James'. You don't know me, but I know you guys are good friends.... I am coordinating to have meals made for them for the first week or two after Connor is born. Just wondered if you'd want to help, too. If not, it's totally fine! But I thought I'd check since you guys are such good friends. Let me know!