Friday, July 17, 2009

Trips to the Zoo/Dairy Farm

This past week we were able to visit the Indianapolis Zoo and a local dairy farm so I thought I would share a few pics and a quick video of my adventures!

I loved to have the cows lick my hand as you will see in the video below.

At the petting zoo with Daddy!

I was not scared of any of the animals!

I even got to pet that HUGE elephant behind Mommy and I after his bath!

That polar bear behind me would make an appearance every few seconds and then go and hide so Daddy tried to get a shot of me and the bear!

It tickled when the cow licked my hand!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

15th Month Old Update

It is so hard to believe but I am 15 months old now, and I am getting to be such a little man! I am learning so much and having a blast with Mommy and Daddy being home with me this summer. I had my 15 month check-up this past week, and Dr. McIntire said I am doing great! I weighed 23.7 pounds and was about 32 inches long which is in the 50th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. I am talking so much and the doctor said I know a lot of words for my age! It must be all that talking Mommy did to her students all day when I was in her belly! Here are some pics from the 4th of July. I had a parade in the morning in my neighborhood. Then I spent the afternoon with my buddies, Luke and Preston. It was a great day! I promise to write more soon!

I loved the parade even though it was a little soggy out!
Here is me in my wagon ready for the parade to begin!

The New Things I am Learning!

Mommy and Daddy have been working with me on learning some new things so I thought I would share some of that with you. Sorry if part of the video grosses you out, but Mommy and Daddy think it is really fun and so do I!

Brody is a NKOTB fan like his Mama!

This is my Mommy and her friends at Verizon ready for a fun night listening to NKOTB!

Since my Mommy went to the New Kids on the Block concert last week, and she had such a great time that I thought I would help support her NKTOB love with a little song!