Monday, October 25, 2010


"You are My Sunshine, " is my new favorite song. My Grandma Antrobus sings it to me all the time and now I can sing most of the words, too!

I try and hit EVERYTHING up in the air as you will see. I am too funny! I also like to change the words to my favorite song thanks to Daddy! It is pretty cute!

*Also, I went to see Dr. McIntire today for my 2 and 1/2 year appointment, and all is well with me. I weigh 29 pounds (39th percentile for weight) and am 37 inches tall (75th percentile for height). I sang songs for the doctor, and she as amazed with my vocabulary. I was not so happy to get my flu vaccination, and I hate when the the doctor and nurse mess with me. I gave Mommy and Daddy quite the challenge to hold me down to be checked! I even said, " I want different Dr. McIntire," which she found quite humorous! I am so happy to be a healthy growing boy!!!

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