Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, 2012! This year at school I made of list of things I was thankful for and here is my list: my mom and dad, my train table, my Grandma and Papaw, my train tracks, my train with lights, the baby in mommy's belly, and my Lego motorcycle. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving just like I did!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Few Videos of Me

This is me riding a zipline at my friend, LJ's, birthday party.

I even decided to ride the zipline backwards.

This is a video of my at the Colts Complex with Daddy. I love to kick the ball. Mommy and Daddy are hoping I am the next Pat McAfee.

This last video is of me at my first basketball practice and game. This is me shooting around at practice. I also made my first basket during the game on Saturday. I was so excited!!!

Fall 2012 Update

I played soccer again this year. I scored my first goal, too!

This is me with my couise, Paige. I love scratching her belly.

Daddy and I got to go to the Colts Complex for an All Pro Dads day. It was so fun!

Daddy and I had a blast!

This is a picture of Daddy and I craving my pumpkin for Halloween

I was not a big fan of all the pumpkin guts.
I had fun helping Daddy get my pumpkin ready.

This is me ready for Halloween. I was a very scary ghost.

Watch out, everyone!

Mommy and I went to the Zoo Boo this year. They had a Wizard of Oz theme this year so of course, I loved all the tornado stuff there.

My class had a field trip to Waterman's pumpkin patch. It was awesome!

I loved going on the tractor and sliding down the slide with my friends.

Here I am with my best bud, Baylor.

Down the slide I go!

Waterman's had a pumpkin eating dinosaur, too. It was so cool!

Here I am taking a hay ride with my class to pick a pumpkin. I had to sit by my girlfriend, Ava.

This is me with my teacher, Mrs. Trammell.
Class picture
Silly class picture

This is another class picture at City Day. We were all in jail!

This is Baylor and I goofing around before our bike ride started.

This is my neighbor Zach and I ready to trick-or-treat.

Mommy, Daddy and I had a great night trick-or-treating even if it was a little cold.

Happy Halloween!!!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Aunt Andrea and Uncle Ben's Wedding

 Mommy and I all dressed up before the ceremony.
Daddy and I looking so handsome.

Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilkins!

The Antrobus Kids celebrating Andrea's big day!

Henry and Aunt Andrea posing after the ceremony.

Such a beautiful couple!

Such a handsome little boy!

The new couple cutting the wedding cake.

We all enjoyed a beautiful wedding and wish the bride and groom nothing but the best!

Aunt Andrea's Wedding

I was so excited that I got to be the ringbarer in my Aunt Andrea's wedding on Saturday. I did a great job!

Hula Hoop

I love to hula hoop! Mommy and Daddy love to watch me as I try and shake my hips!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Big News!

                                    I have some fantastic news to share with you all! Take a listen!
Mommy is almost 18 weeks pregnant with my little brother or sister. We are all so excited to meet the newest Baker due on January 30th, 2013. I cannot wait to be the best big brother! :)


This is me as a bird at the zoo. The zoo has an awesome new bird exhibit, and I love it!

My favorite part of the day was riding my first big roller coaster with Daddy. I was not scared at all even though Mommy was scared for me.
This is me on the roller coaster. If you listen close, you will hear me screaming!
This is my reaction to my first roller coaster ride.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Ready for my first day of Pre-K at Mt. Pleasant Christian Church.

I am an Owl this year. My teachers are Ms. Trammell and Ms. Patty.

Ready to learn!

Also, ready to play! =)

So cute!!!!

I had a great first day and cannot wait to make new friends and learn lots of new things this school year. I love school!

Random Videos/Pics from July-August

Here is a picture of Daddy and I at my first Colts football game. I had a great time cheering on the team and love watching Andrew Luck!

This is a video of me singing one of my favorite songs, "Starships," by Nicki Minaj. I am singing this without the song actually playing which makes it pretty funny!

Here I am playing "real" golf with Daddy. I enjoy playing golf, and I especially enjoy driving the cart.

This is me riding the train with my friend Noah at the zoo. It was a very hot day, but we had a great time!

This is me and my favorite new little girl cousin, Paige. Don't you love our matching Under Armour clothes!

This is one last quick video of me golfing with Daddy.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Vacation to Traverse City, Michigan

Grandma and I having fun out on the lawn playing with the frisbee.

Aunt Andrea and I love to act silly together.

This is my out on the pier at our condo looking out at Lake Michigan.

I love it here!!! =)

This is Mommy and I at a beach near our place.

Family picture time!

One of my favorite things to do was to throw rocks into the lake.

Come back, Daddy!!

I am right here, Daddy!

Papaw and I found lots of rocks to throw in the lake. Daddy also taught me how to skip rocks on the water.

We stopped at a museum called, "Spirit of the Woods." It was very interesting!

I spent tons of times jumping in the pool by myself. I am so brave now.
Look at me!

Too cool!

We even visited a Lego exhibit during out vacation. It was lots of fun.

Daddy and I are hard at work here building a Lego car to race down the ramp.

This is the Lego car Daddy and I built to race down the ramp.

Here it goes. I hope our car does not break.

The museum even had an exhibit full of cherry pits that you could dig for arrowheads in and I found one.
Our last stop on the way home from Michigan had to, of course, be the Whistle Stop. This is Mommy and I posing on the train.

I love trains so much!

I had to check out all the trains and get as close as I can to them.

Ding, Ding!!!

Watch out for that train!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Conductor Brody waving good bye!

This a quick video of me jumping in the pool all by myself. What a great vacation!!!!