Saturday, December 28, 2013

Bryson - 11 Months Old

Here is my top 10 list of things to know about me now that I am 11 months old:

1) I am pulling up on things and trying to stand.
2) I can almost say, "fan." I call it "fa."
3) I love to get into anything I should not get into.
4) If I find something I want to play with, I take it from the carpet to the wood floor and push it or throw it around.
5) I have 6 teeth.
6) I like different types of textures.
7) I like to sit up in my bed now when I am supposed to take a nap.
8) I LOVE to splash in the tub.
9) I like to watch sports with my Daddy. 
10) I enjoyed being outside when I can.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Mount Pleasant Church Christmas Show-My First Solo

Last weekend, I performed my first solo in the Mount Pleasant Christmas show. I performed my solo 5 different times in front of about 1,000 people. I was not nervous at all. The only thing that bothered my was the lights as you will see in the videos below. Mommy and Daddy were so proud of me though because I did a fantastic job!!
I sang the song, "Wise Guys," with Charlie and Grace.
I loved watching the other soloists. I really enjoyed performing all the songs!
I was happy to see all my family come watch me perform!!! Thanks to everyone who made it to the show.

These are the videos of my performance. Sorry there are so many, but Daddy tried to get a video of my whole song.

Letter to Santa

Here I am mailing my letter to Santa. It was raining so Bryson could not come to the mailbox with me. 
I asked Santa for the Polar Express train, a garbage truck, a magic kit, and some surprises for Bryson and I. I am so excited for Christmas!!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Polar Express 2013

I was so excited to bring my buddy, Zach, on the Polar Express with me this year. Mommy could not go because she had to stay home with Bryson.
Zach and I were ready for the train to arrive.
I finally saw it coming and had to let everyone know.
Here is the Polar Express, ready for the passengers.
I had so much fun with Luke and Zach this year.
Nothing is better than the cookies and hot chocolate.
We finally made to the North Pole.
I was so happy to see the North Pole and was excited to see Santa.
I really liked talking with the conductor since I still love trains.
I finally got to talk with Santa and told him I wanted a magic kit. 

Bryson - 10 Months Old

I am 10 months old!!
Such a happy baby!
Here is my top 10 list of things to know about me now that I am 10 months old:

1) I can FINALLY crawl.
2) I can say, "bye, bye," and wave my hand.
3) I love to be around babies and kids.
4) I still tap my thumb on everything and when you tell me to tap, I will.
5) I have 4 teeth.
6) I love to throw things and have a pretty good arm.
7) I have discovered my tongue and love to make noises with it.
8) I get really mad when you take something from me.
9) I am very attached to my Mommy.
10) I eat anything you give me and like to pick up my own food.

I can crawl!!! =)