Saturday, December 28, 2013

Bryson - 11 Months Old

Here is my top 10 list of things to know about me now that I am 11 months old:

1) I am pulling up on things and trying to stand.
2) I can almost say, "fan." I call it "fa."
3) I love to get into anything I should not get into.
4) If I find something I want to play with, I take it from the carpet to the wood floor and push it or throw it around.
5) I have 6 teeth.
6) I like different types of textures.
7) I like to sit up in my bed now when I am supposed to take a nap.
8) I LOVE to splash in the tub.
9) I like to watch sports with my Daddy. 
10) I enjoyed being outside when I can.

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