Sunday, November 2, 2014

Happy Halloween 2014

Happy Halloween 2014
I decided to be the scary guy from Scream this year.
Bryson decided to be a muscle policeman.
Bryson looked too cute while I was super scary!
Happy Halloween from the Bakers!
We hit the neighbor's house for our first treat.
Bryson just kept saying, "More candy, please."
We went to as many houses as we could in the cold rainy weather.  =(

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Fall Fun 2014

Daddy and I got to visit some trains a few weekends ago, and it was awesome.
I was so excited to read Wabash on the sign.
I love playing on the tracks as long as the train is not coming.
Is this my shop?
Bryson and I had fun at the pumpkin patch. Mommy could not get Bryson's attention.
I had fun climbing up all the hay stacks.
Bryson loves to swing!
Bryson enjoys saying and finding his new favorite word, "pumpkin."
This is me last weekend at the Great Wolf Lodge.
I got to get a magic wand and look for treasure.
Bryson also had so much fun!!!!
This is Bryson and I getting ready for a snack at the pool.
Mommy, Bryson and I had an excellent time!!!
Last week, we also got to visit Kelsay Farms.
The whole Baker family tried to get a .picture but of course, Bryson would not look at the camera.
I had more fun in the hay.
What an awesome slide!
Bryson had so much fun playing in the kernels.
Here is Bryson sticking his tongue out.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Weather Camp

I went to weather camp this summer at the Fishers Library. I absolutely LOVED it! Kevin Gregory even mentioned me in this broadcast that night. =)

Bryson Video

Bryson is talking so much these days. He is starting to put two or three words together which is so cute.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

First Day of Kindergarten at Rosa Parks

I had my first day of kindergarten on July 29th, 2014. I was so excited for my first day at Rosa Parks.
My teacher is Ms. Igoe. When Mommy asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up, I told her a train engineer, or storm chaser.
Bryson wanted to go to school with me but Mommy said, "No way!"
Mommy was so happy to be able to take me to school on my first day.
Daddy was also able to take me to school on my first day.
I decided on my second day that I wanted to ride the bus instead of having someone take me to school.
I could not wait to get on the school bus!
Here comes my bus, number 1216.
Off I go! Mommy and Daddy cannot believe I am getting so big. The best part of my bus ride was that my friend, Charlie from my baseball team this summer rides with me. I LOVE school!

Goodbye, 7360 Copperwood Drive!

We all said goodbye to our first home on July 8th.  We had so many memories there and cannot believe we are leaving. We are off to live with my mom and dad until we build our new house and can start all new memories together.
Came as a family of two and left as a family of four! Goodbye, 7360 Copperwood Drive!

Friday, June 27, 2014

The Baseball Season is Over For the Baker Boys/Bryson Video

This is a quick video of Bryson talking more! =)

This baseball season, I played on the Cubs, and I was lucky to have my Dad as the coach.
I improved so much this year and had about 7 hits.
This is me with part of my team. We won the first game of the tournament but lost the second.
We had a great season! I learned so much and cannot wait for next year.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Bryson is talking so much these days...

These are just two quick videos of Bryson talking lately. He is so funny and says so much these days!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Brody's Graduation from Mount Pleasant/May Fun

I had my graduation from Mt. Pleasant last weekend. I cannot believe I am leaving this school after  4 years.
This is me with my graduating class. What a great year!

Mommy, Daddy and Bryson are so proud of me.
Bryson will be going to Mt. Pleasant next year. I know he will love it like I did.
These were my favorite teachers, Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Arkins.
I was so happy Grandma Sue came to see my big day.
Grandma and Papaw Antrobus also came to see my graduation.
After my graduation, we all went to Luke's party at the Greenwood Fire Station. This is Bryson sitting in the fire truck. 
Here I am with the fireman with all his gear on. He made me a little nervous.
I was so excited to get to spray the fire hose.
It was awesome!!!!!

Here is a video of Bryson talking to Mommy.

This is me walking down the aisle for my graduation. Mommy cannot believe how big I am getting!

This is a quick video when Mrs. Arkins called my name to get my certificate.