Friday, January 31, 2014

I Lost My First Tooth!!!!

I was so excited to lose my first tooth today! Daddy got me a pillow to put my tooth in fat night. I got a whole dollar for my first tooth from the tooth fairy!!!!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Bryson - 1 year old

Here is my top 10 list of things to know about me now that I am 12 months old:

1) My favorite word is "fire."
2) I love my Papaw Antrobus!
3) I am a Mommy's boy. If my Mom is around, no one else can hold me.
4) I prefer to eat people food and am not into baby food anymore.
5) I really enjoy going to my Gymboree class on Saturdays with Daddy.
6) I like to play with Brody's toys more than mine.
7) I really try and say new words all time.
8) I like to mimic what people do and say.
9) I am finally starting to take long naps during the day. 
10) I am such a happy little boy!!!!!!!!!

Happy 1st Birthday, Bryson!!!

Happy Birthday to my sweet boy, Bryson! Mommy, Daddy, and Brody love you to the moon and back!

Byson woke up on Saturday morning to a balloon, streamers, and a birthday sign from Brody. He was so excited to celebrate his big day!
Bryson's favorite word is "fire," so he loved seeing the candles lit on his french toast stick.
We had Bryson's first birthday celebration at Gymboree. We had a wonderful time celebrating his big day with family and friends.
Bryson loves his big brother so much!!!!
Bryson also had a great time celebrating with his cousin, Paige.
This is Bryson on his pretend birthday cupcake. =)
Parachute time is one of Bryson's favorite things at Gymboree just like Brody.
His other favorite thing is watching and trying to catch the bubbles.
Bryson did not want his cupcake at all at first. He finally started to eat it after the icing was gone.
So good now!
This is a quick video of everyone singing, "Happy Birthday," to Bryson at his party.
On Sunday morning, we opened all of Bryson's gifts. Thank you so much to everyone who came out to celebrate Bryson's 1st birthday!! We are so blessed. Time sure does fly by!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Videos Of Bryson

This is a video of Bryson at Gymboree. He loves it just like I did.
Here is another video of Bryson playing with the fake snow I made. He thought it was so funny to dump it out. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Christmas 2013

Mommy and I celebrating in Wabash at Great Grandma's house.
Mommy and Bryson are loving the time together.
Bryson was so happy on Christmas Eve celebrating with everyone.
Bryson and I got so many cool gifts.
Bryson loved the wrapping paper more than the actual gifts.
Bryson loves his new musical instruments from Great Grandma.
I got a set of Dominos from Papaw Rick which was one of my favorite gifts.
This is me having fun wrestling with Uncle Ryan.
This is Bryson playing with the wrapping paper.
On Christmas Eve when I got home from Wabash, I had to spread the magical reindeer food on the yard for Santa's reindeer.
I had to make sure to spread it all over the yard.
Here are my cookies, milk, and note for Santa. I was so excited for him to come to my house!
This is me on Christmas morning reading the note Santa left me. I got up around 4:30 am that morning, and told Mommy I needed to get a drink downstairs. She would not let that happened and made me go back to bed. =)
Here are Bryson and I checking out our gifts Christmas morning.
I sure do love my brother!
I was so excited about my new Wii Just Dance game.

I really loved my magic kit from Santa, too.
I also loved the weather kit that Grandma Antrobus got me.
Bryson just loved the wrapping paper.
Christmas Day was so fun with my family!

Here are some videos of Bryson and I on Christmas Day opening our gifts.
This is me opening my favorite gift!
This is Bryson opening a gift from Santa.
Here I am opening my stocking.