Sunday, January 26, 2014

Bryson - 1 year old

Here is my top 10 list of things to know about me now that I am 12 months old:

1) My favorite word is "fire."
2) I love my Papaw Antrobus!
3) I am a Mommy's boy. If my Mom is around, no one else can hold me.
4) I prefer to eat people food and am not into baby food anymore.
5) I really enjoy going to my Gymboree class on Saturdays with Daddy.
6) I like to play with Brody's toys more than mine.
7) I really try and say new words all time.
8) I like to mimic what people do and say.
9) I am finally starting to take long naps during the day. 
10) I am such a happy little boy!!!!!!!!!

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