Monday, January 26, 2015

Bryson is 2!!!!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Bryson! We all celebrated together at Gymobree again this year.
Bryson and Mommy are ready to play!
My cousin Henry was able to join our celebration! He is so much fun to play with.
Bryson was so excited to see Connor, too.
Connor's brother, Carter, had a blast playing in the tunnel.
Mommy rocked Bryson on the log. He was not a big fan.
I was running around the whole time playing with everyone!
So much fun!!!
Bryson was so happy to see his cousin Paige there, too.
The next morning, Bryson opened all his gifts. I got him a football and water bottle.
Mommy and Daddy got Bryson a lawn mower which is one of his favorite toys.
Here is a quick video of Bryson talking. I have more videos but they are not uploading from some reason. I will keep trying! Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Christmas 2014

So happy celebrating Christmas at Grandma Sue and Papaw Jim's house.
Peppa Pig gifts were the hit for Bryson and Paige.
I had a blast too and loved all of my gifts!
I obviously loved this gift as you can see!
I  was a great big brother and helped Bryson open most of his gifts.
I made a special gift for Great Grandma Maxine. I put my art work on a special mug for her.I  was so proud of my hard work!
Bryson was thrilled to get Elmo!!!
Bryson and I were excited to spread the reindeer food out on the lawn this year.
Bryson loved dumping all his food even though it all ended up in one spot.
I wrote a note to Santa and the Bryson and I  posed before a story and bed.
I was not into writing too much for Santa but wanted to draw him a picture to place with the cookies.
Merry Christmas from Mommy and I !
Here I am with my awesome candy-striped pants!
Mommy loved watching to boys play trains together. I really like that I can now play with my little brother.
Merry Christmas 2014 from the Bakers!!! Hopefully, the last Christmas at my mom's house before our new house is done.
Here is a video of Bryson and I getting up on Christmas morning. As you will see Bryson is not a morning person!