Wednesday, September 24, 2008

6 Month Old Update

I just went to the doctor today for my 6 month check-up and things look great! I weigh 17 lbs. 4 oz. and am 26.5 inches long. I am average for my weight and head size but still in the 75th percentile for my height! The doctor said I still may have a slight ear infection, but besides that I am doing wonderful! I now love to pant like a doggy when I want something as you will hear in my video! It is hilarious!! I hope you enjoy my new update, and I promise to send another update soon!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I make LOTS of new sounds!

Listen to my new panting noise when I want something!

Did Brody just say,"Da, Da?"

The Next Michael Phelps!

I LOVE the Bath!!

Funny Random Pictures of Brody!!

I am really sitting up now like a big boy!!

Watch out for the Lion!!!! ROAR!!!

Look at my new cute shirt!

My First Root Beer Float!

Give me that drink!!!

Mmm, this is good!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I am almost 6 months old now!

Sorry it has been such a long time since I lasted posted on the blog, but I have been so busy since Mommy and Daddy went back to work. Anyway, I turn 6 months old on Tuesday! I am getting to be a really big boy. I weigh 17 pounds already! I go to see my doctor next week for my six month check-up so I will let everyone know more then! My two bottom teeth are coming in now, and I am drooling like crazy! I also learned to sit up by myself, and I love to reach for lots of toys while sitting up! I have had a cold these past two weeks so I am have been very tired lately and trying to feel 100% again! Anyway, I promise to update you more very soon! Hope you enjoy the new pictures and video!

Those Darn Colts!

I get so mad when the Colts lose! I hope they can beat the Vikings this weekend! Hope you like the bib! I have to wear it because I drool a lot now that my two bottom teeth are coming in!

I Can Sit Up Like A Big Boy Now!

I really like my new chair!

This toy is pretty cool!

Look, I can sit up all by myself!

Helping Daddy out in the Yard!

I love the hose!

Here I am working hard watering the plants for Daddy!

Hold on Dadddy, I have a call to make!

Visiting with My Uncle Wes and Aunt Carrie!

I love when Uncle Wes and Aunt Carrie visit me! They let me stay up really late and watch TV!

I am really tired, Uncle Wes!!

Lounging on the Sofa at Home!

I love my feet!
Look at that smile!

Visting My Cousins

I love to visit with my cousins!
This is Allison, Austin, and the newest addition to the family, Ashley.