Wednesday, September 24, 2008

6 Month Old Update

I just went to the doctor today for my 6 month check-up and things look great! I weigh 17 lbs. 4 oz. and am 26.5 inches long. I am average for my weight and head size but still in the 75th percentile for my height! The doctor said I still may have a slight ear infection, but besides that I am doing wonderful! I now love to pant like a doggy when I want something as you will hear in my video! It is hilarious!! I hope you enjoy my new update, and I promise to send another update soon!!

1 comment:

Lesa said...

Brody is sooooo cute!! I love to watch the little videos! I sit here like a goofball smiling really big at my computer screen, saying outloud "Awwww!..."