Saturday, September 13, 2008

I am almost 6 months old now!

Sorry it has been such a long time since I lasted posted on the blog, but I have been so busy since Mommy and Daddy went back to work. Anyway, I turn 6 months old on Tuesday! I am getting to be a really big boy. I weigh 17 pounds already! I go to see my doctor next week for my six month check-up so I will let everyone know more then! My two bottom teeth are coming in now, and I am drooling like crazy! I also learned to sit up by myself, and I love to reach for lots of toys while sitting up! I have had a cold these past two weeks so I am have been very tired lately and trying to feel 100% again! Anyway, I promise to update you more very soon! Hope you enjoy the new pictures and video!

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