Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Fun in the Snow

I had a great time playing in the snow yesterday! I was not even too fussy about Mommy making me wear all those clothes either. I was not really into the whole sledding thing as you will see. I think Daddy goes too fast for me! Overall, I had a fun time with the snow though ! I hope everyone has a Happy New Year!!!

I like my new boots from Grandma Antrobus!

Not so sure about the heavy coat though! =)

Finally, I was ready to go outside for some fun!

This is me sledding with Daddy. I did not last very long!

I loved throwing the snow in the air and hitting it out of Daddy's hands!

This is so fun!!!!

I had a great time outside even if it was so cold!!!

This is my first time sledding and as you can see, I was not too happy!

I did like playing with the snow though!!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!!

I loved making cookies for Santa with Daddy!

I cannot wait to open all of these presents!

Mommy, look at my new computer from Grandma Maxine!
I love it!!!

Please open that box now so I can play with my new cell
phone from Grandpa Baker!
I am learning all of my colors!
This is me on Christmas morning! I was most excited about Mommy's wine as you will see! =)
Merry Christmas to everyone!! Thank you all so much for making this Christmas so wonderful for Brody. We are truely blessed to have such an amazing family! Brody had a wonderful time visiting everyone and loved all of his gifts. Thanks again for everything!! Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Breakfast with Santa

This was about as good of a picture as we could get! I wanted
nothing to do with the real Santa!

Here I am decorating my cookie! I loved the sprinkles!

All done! Look what I made!!

I wanted to dance just like the Santa I saw! He is much better than the real Santa. =)
I had so much fun!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Quick Videos

Here are some quick videos showing off my huge personality. I hope everyone enjoys them, and I will update more after Thanksgiving!

My new favorite show is "Blue's Clues." I am also obsessed with school buses!

I love to watch Sunday night football and dance to Faith Hill's intro!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

October Update

I had my 18th month check-up about two weeks ago, and the doctor said I am doing great! Mommy did not have so much fun with me at the doctor's office though because I wanted nothing to do with having Dr. McIntire check me out! She did tell my Mommy that I weigh 25 pounds which is only the 25 percentile in weight, and I am about 33 inches long which is still in the 50th percentile in height. Dr. McIntire said I am a very healthy boy, and she was impressed with all the new words I know. Mommy, Daddy and I had a blast on Halloween on Saturday. Here is a quick video before we went trick-or-treating which shows my new fun Halloween words!!!

Happy Halloween!!!!

I hope you like my golf outfit!!
Why isn't my caddie carrying my golf bag??? I should hire a new caddie!
I am so excited to get some candy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went trick-or-treating with my neighbor. I really like her hair!
I know...I am too cute!
Ok...I am new at this. What do I do with this pumpkin?
I had to get one last snack in before I went trick-or-treating! My caddie had to carry both the golfer and his clubs!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

18 Month Old Update With More To Come Soon!

Ready for the neighborhood fall party! I got to go on
a tractor ride which I LOVED!

It was cold outside before the party so Mommy and
Daddy really bundled me up! I was not so happy about
the hat! =)

I really LOVE to swing!

I am too cute!!! =)

Go Colts!! Peyton is the best player ever!!! Maybe
one day I will be just like him!

This is me having fun at Apple Works!

Mommy really wanted me to look at the camera
but there was too much going on for me to do that!

I love my family so much!

I am so smart! Daddy is working hard on helping me learn my ABC's!

I have so much to say these days! It is too funny!

*I promise to update more about me after I go to the doctor this week for my 18 month check-up!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Quick Update

I am a very busy boy these days and learning tons of new things. Mommy and Daddy are trying to get everything on video, but I seem to not want to do things when I am being taped! I will be 18 months old soon so Mommy will update more after my visit to the doctor! I am such a big boy!!!!

Jumping is my new favorite thing I TRY so hard to do. Daddy also loves to give me unicycle rides each day to make me laugh. I think we may try out to be the cutest circus act ever!

If you listen closely, you will hear my say the name of my new favorite food, "Hotdog." I am learning to say a lot of new words lately but "gock" is still my favorite word. =)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fun at Bouncer Town with Luke

Sorry I have not updated the blog in so long! Mommy, Daddy and I are just trying to get use to this whole going back to work thing right now! =) We have all had colds this past week and are just tired from such long days. I will try my best to post more often!!! Enjoy the few pics/videos below!

The doggy is my favorite part of Bouncer Town!

I am fascinated with the doggy's tongue. Mommy is not so sure I need to be biting it though! =)

Mommy and I were playing hide-and-seek at Bouncer Town! I thought it was so funny!!!

Fun Weekend at Home

I LOVE to walk around the house with my eyes closed! Mommy and Daddy get so scared that I am going to run into something, but I think it is REALLY funny!

I LOVE to play with my Daddy! I am really into giving hugs and kisses right now which Mommy loves!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Trips to the Zoo/Dairy Farm

This past week we were able to visit the Indianapolis Zoo and a local dairy farm so I thought I would share a few pics and a quick video of my adventures!

I loved to have the cows lick my hand as you will see in the video below.

At the petting zoo with Daddy!

I was not scared of any of the animals!

I even got to pet that HUGE elephant behind Mommy and I after his bath!

That polar bear behind me would make an appearance every few seconds and then go and hide so Daddy tried to get a shot of me and the bear!

It tickled when the cow licked my hand!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

15th Month Old Update

It is so hard to believe but I am 15 months old now, and I am getting to be such a little man! I am learning so much and having a blast with Mommy and Daddy being home with me this summer. I had my 15 month check-up this past week, and Dr. McIntire said I am doing great! I weighed 23.7 pounds and was about 32 inches long which is in the 50th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. I am talking so much and the doctor said I know a lot of words for my age! It must be all that talking Mommy did to her students all day when I was in her belly! Here are some pics from the 4th of July. I had a parade in the morning in my neighborhood. Then I spent the afternoon with my buddies, Luke and Preston. It was a great day! I promise to write more soon!

I loved the parade even though it was a little soggy out!
Here is me in my wagon ready for the parade to begin!

The New Things I am Learning!

Mommy and Daddy have been working with me on learning some new things so I thought I would share some of that with you. Sorry if part of the video grosses you out, but Mommy and Daddy think it is really fun and so do I!

Brody is a NKOTB fan like his Mama!

This is my Mommy and her friends at Verizon ready for a fun night listening to NKOTB!

Since my Mommy went to the New Kids on the Block concert last week, and she had such a great time that I thought I would help support her NKTOB love with a little song!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Back to Reality

We are now back after two wonderful weeks in Hilton Head! We all had a great time and cannot wait to go back! I was so busy and had a hard time sleeping in HH so Mommy and Daddy are trying to get me back on schedule now. I am learning a lot of new words and starting to really have an opinion on everything. I keep my Mommy and Daddy on their toes. I cannot wait to continue my summer with them. Hope all is well with everyone!

More Hilton Head Fun

Another trolley ride with Daddy! I love my Daddy!

This was a quick family shot at the beach. I was not into

Mommy and I having fun at the beach!

I was not really into the whole sand thing.

I am concentrating so hard on this whole beach thing!

Swimming is so fun!

I love to go underwater and put my face in!

So fun with Grandma and Grandpa at Harbour Town!

I wish we had a boat like that!

I love Hilton Head Island, and I cannot wait to go back!