Sunday, March 29, 2009

Happy Early 1st Birthday

Mommy wanted to post a few pics of my first birthday party in Wabash! I had a great time and everyone was so nice to get me so many awesome gifts!! Mommy will post much more of the birthday celebrations to come this week! I turn ONE on Wednesday!!!

This was my first piece of cake, and I LOVED it!

Mommy, this is good!!!

Not sure I can eat much more!

This is my new gift from my Grandma Sue and Grandpa Jim.
I love to ride the zebra!!

This was my awesome cake before I devoured it!!

Look at the cool gift my Uncle Wes and Aunt Carrie got me! I am not sure who loves it more though me or my Daddy! I am already practicing for March Madness!

This is me at my first birthday celebration of many!!


Ella and Caden said...

Happy Birthday Brody! We hope you have a wonderful birthday week!!

Preston said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRODY!!!!! Cannot wait to celebrate, and really cannot believe it has been a year already!