Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Fun in the Snow

I had a great time playing in the snow yesterday! I was not even too fussy about Mommy making me wear all those clothes either. I was not really into the whole sledding thing as you will see. I think Daddy goes too fast for me! Overall, I had a fun time with the snow though ! I hope everyone has a Happy New Year!!!

I like my new boots from Grandma Antrobus!

Not so sure about the heavy coat though! =)

Finally, I was ready to go outside for some fun!

This is me sledding with Daddy. I did not last very long!

I loved throwing the snow in the air and hitting it out of Daddy's hands!

This is so fun!!!!

I had a great time outside even if it was so cold!!!

This is my first time sledding and as you can see, I was not too happy!

I did like playing with the snow though!!!


Unknown said...

That's pretty funny Brent.

David J. Dougherty said...

First time visiting the BB blog...very nice!

Love the sled ride. Parker had a similar "fall" last year winter as I whipped the sled to fast around a tree! BB is a sharp looking guy (Brody that is..NOT Brent:-)