Monday, March 29, 2010

Birthday Celebration in Wabash

Here is the cake my Great Grandma Maxine made me! It was very tasty, too! I love being almost two!

I am about to eat the delicious cupcake my Grandma Sue made me!

Mommy could not believe how I decided to eat that cupcake!

So fun!!!

This is me singing happy birthday to myself at my party at Grandma Maxine's house. Sorry for my Daddy's inappropriate comment! He is so silly!

1 comment:

Ella and Caden said...

OH my goodness, he is SO cute!!! I can't believe he's already almost 2! Time flies way too fast.

And about Brent's "inappropriate comment" - I have this debate with Jason all the time because he makes the same comments. Don't they know that it does NOT warrant an "Atta boy" when it's their MOTHER that they're feeling up?! :)