Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday, Brody!

The table was set, and I was ready for my party!

Mommy made me pose for my birthday shot before I could go play!

I LOVE parachute time!

My buddy, Luke, loved bubble time!

One of my favorite games was watching all the balls roll down the ramp!

Parker, Jacob, and I are having so much fun!!!!

Preston and I are hanging out by the slide!

All the boys and I are ready to roll!!!

Happy Birthday to our sweet baby boy!!!

I loved jumping into the parachute!!!

*Thank you everyone for making my 2nd birthday so special! I appreciate all my new gifts and all the effort everyone put into me having such an awesome birthday! Thanks again and I love you all very much!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Yeah! Happy Birthday Brody! It is so cute to see him with the other Chi-O baby boys!
Katie P