Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Last Day of School

Today was my last day of preschool at Mt. Pleasant. Mommy and Grandma came to see my class perform. I did such a good job as you will see from the videos below. Mommy was so proud of me! I even saw her cry a little bit because I am getting to be such a big boy. I loved school so much! I had the best teachers, Miss April and Miss Christie, who taught me so much. I cannot wait to go back next year!

This is me on the stage after my performance.

Mommy was so happy to be able to take a day off of school to see me perform.

Grandma Antrobus came to see the show, too!

These are my teachers, Miss April and Miss Christie. Mommy and Daddy could not have asked for better teachers for me!

I got to have some yummy cookies and juice after the show.

As I was leaving, Mommy made me take one last picture by my door. I cannot wait to move down the hall to the 3 year old room next school year!

This was our first song, the ABCs. Once I saw Mommy in the crowd, I made sure to sing directly to the camera!

Part 1

Next, we sang, "Here is the Church," using lots of different gestures, and I never missed a beat!

Part 2

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