Monday, June 20, 2011

Hilton Head Vacation 2011

Last week, we went back to Hilton Head with our great friends, Amanda, Kyle, and Luke for a week of relaxation and fun. We had a wonderful time and are already planning to go back next year. We stayed in a beautiful home with its own pool which the we all loved but especially me because it had a rock waterfall. The house was also very close to the beach which was a plus. As you can see from the pictures below, we had a blast!

Mommy and I cheesing for the camera! I always have to have my cool shades on as you will see.

Luke and I getting ready to head to South Beach.

We found a cat that hung out outside the restaurants in South Beach so we just had to pet her.

This is the Salty Dog, Jake, and I hanging out.

I really loved the playground equipment more this year because I can do so much more on my own! Here I am digging in the sand.

Too cute!!!

Down the slide I go!

Here I am practicing writing his name in the sand.

This is about as far as a I got then I just wanted to go play!

Daddy and I had so much fun playing in the sand and jumping over the waves in the ocean.

I love this place!

I cannot believe it, but I actually held a little crab at the beach. I had to see Luke do it first but then I decided to try it, too! I threw it down as soon as it started to move.

Ready to dig in the sand.

Kyle and Daddy made a cool tunnel in the sand for us. It was so fun dumping water in it.

Daddy even buried my feet!

Family time at the beach on our last night!

I am such a cool dude!

Of course, I had to show off my singing skills for the people at South Beach. It just amazes my Mommy and Daddy that I have no fear of performing in front of people as you can see!

I performed at least three songs for the crowd and would have continued if my Mommy and Daddy would have let me!

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