Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012

This is Daddy and I getting ready to color our Easter eggs.

Daddy let me pick the colors for each of the eggs.

Daddy ended up doing most of the work. =)

This is me acting silly after coloring eggs with Daddy.

This is our family picture before the Antrobus Easter egg hunt.

Henry and I were on a mission to collect all our eggs.

Found one!!

Henry found one, too!

This is my Aunt Andrea helping me find some more of my eggs.

So happy to find all of my eggs!

Aunt Carrie, Henry and I hanging out on the hill at my grandma's house.

Here I am finding my basket on Easter morning.

I was so excited to get another book about tornadoes!

Of course, I loved getting all that candy in my basket.

More candy and a gift card just for me.

This is a quick video of Daddy and I coloring eggs before Easter.


I love to hit the baseball off the tee and am actually hitting the ball very well as you will see from the video.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Birthday Celebration at Home

These are two quick videos of my birthday breakfast celebration at home with my Mommy and Daddy. I had a wonderful birthday!

More Birthday Celebrations!

This is the birthday cake my Great Grandma Maxine made for me this year. She made me this fish cake because I love to fish with Daddy.

This me with my Papaw Rick. I am his little monkey! =)

I got so many cool gifts from everyone. I had fun guessing what each gift could be before I opened them.

After my birthday celebration, I got to go down to the train tracks and watch all the trains go by my great grandma's house. That is my favorite thing to do in Lagro. I cannot believe how many trains go by each hour!

I am one strong 4 year old!!! =)

Before I left Great Grandma's house, she let me have my own easter egg hunt in her backyard. The Easter bunny left me lots of candy in all those eggs he hid for me.

Here is one more video of my birthday celebration in Wabash. I also celebrated with my Grandma Sue and Papaw Jim while I was in Wabash but forgot to take pictures/videos. Thank you to everyone for all my gifts and for making me feel so special.

Happy 4th Birthday, Brody!!!

This is a picture of me at my birthday party on Saturday. I am now 4 years old!

This is me with my cousin, Henry. We had so much fun playing together.

I am becoming quite the daredevil lately!

This is Parker and I with our green tongues from my golf cupcakes.

So messy and I love it!!!

This is my buddy, Byron, enjoying his food after lots of playing in the gym.

Here is another one of my best buddies, Luke, celebrating at my party.

Mommy was helping Henry finish up his cupcake which he loved!

This is me having parachute time at Fundamentals. My party was so much fun with all my friends and family.

During parachute time, our teacher asked the kids to come in the middle of the parachute and dance. This is the video we got of the kids!

Finally, we had cupcakes to celebrate my 4th birthday. It was a fantastic day. Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate with me!