Monday, April 2, 2012

More Birthday Celebrations!

This is the birthday cake my Great Grandma Maxine made for me this year. She made me this fish cake because I love to fish with Daddy.

This me with my Papaw Rick. I am his little monkey! =)

I got so many cool gifts from everyone. I had fun guessing what each gift could be before I opened them.

After my birthday celebration, I got to go down to the train tracks and watch all the trains go by my great grandma's house. That is my favorite thing to do in Lagro. I cannot believe how many trains go by each hour!

I am one strong 4 year old!!! =)

Before I left Great Grandma's house, she let me have my own easter egg hunt in her backyard. The Easter bunny left me lots of candy in all those eggs he hid for me.

Here is one more video of my birthday celebration in Wabash. I also celebrated with my Grandma Sue and Papaw Jim while I was in Wabash but forgot to take pictures/videos. Thank you to everyone for all my gifts and for making me feel so special.

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