Thursday, May 30, 2013

Bryson - 4 Months Old

Bryson turned 4 months old on the 25th. He weighs 13 pounds and 15 ounces. He is 25 inches long.  He is average for both weight and height. We love him so much!!!

Things to know about me at 4 months old:
  1. I love to talk and have a VERY loud voice.
  2. I  laugh all the time now especially at Brody and Daddy.
  3. I LOVE to be carried on Daddy's chest.
  4. I can grab things now, and I especially like to grab Mommy's hair.
  5. I put everything I grab into my mouth.
  6. Sleeping for long stretches is still a challenge for me. 
  7. I kick my legs all the time.
  8. I have the best smile!
  9. People watching is one of my favorite things to do.
  10. I am very alert and am well aware if any noises occur.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Brody's Closing Program at Mt. Pleasant

This is me before my show dressed as Father Abraham. I was not a big fan of wearing the beard as you will see in the pictures below.
Almost time to perform and the beard is already off my face. =)
I had to make sure Daddy saw me for this picture. 
Singing, "God's Top Ten."
This is me at the end of the show with my graduation ribbon.
Cannot believe preschool is over!

Here are a few videos of me singing.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Brody's Last Day of Preschool

 Thursday was my last day of preschool. I will really miss my teachers and all my friends.It has been a great school year. 
 Here I am with my whole class. Lots of people were taking pictures so only a few kids were looking at my Mommy.
 This is me with my "best friend," Ava. 
 Ms. Chitwood and Ms. Grega were wonderful teachers! I will really miss them.
Here I am with another friend of mine, Lily. I love the ladies!!! =)

I have learned so much...

I have recently really been working on learning to read as you will see in the video. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of me!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Quick Update - Bryson

Bryson rolled over on his own at about 2 and half months. He is VERY alert and ready to move. Mommy and Daddy may be in for a very active little boy!

Bryson is three months old. Here are a few things  you should know...

  1. He loves to smile and laugh especially when we say, "what's your name?"                                   
  2. He enjoys going to Gymboree and looking around at the world around him
  3. He constantly blows bubbles with his spit.
  4. He will let you know as soon as he is not happy!!!!
  5. He kicks and moves his arms all the time.
  6. He does not sleep well during the day unless he is on Mom's chest.
  7. When he talks, he sounds like a cat. 
  8. He sleeps VERY well at night. 
  9. He is a mommy's boy for sure.
  10. Brody can always make him smile.