Friday, May 3, 2013

Quick Update - Bryson

Bryson rolled over on his own at about 2 and half months. He is VERY alert and ready to move. Mommy and Daddy may be in for a very active little boy!

Bryson is three months old. Here are a few things  you should know...

  1. He loves to smile and laugh especially when we say, "what's your name?"                                   
  2. He enjoys going to Gymboree and looking around at the world around him
  3. He constantly blows bubbles with his spit.
  4. He will let you know as soon as he is not happy!!!!
  5. He kicks and moves his arms all the time.
  6. He does not sleep well during the day unless he is on Mom's chest.
  7. When he talks, he sounds like a cat. 
  8. He sleeps VERY well at night. 
  9. He is a mommy's boy for sure.
  10. Brody can always make him smile.

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