Thursday, May 30, 2013

Bryson - 4 Months Old

Bryson turned 4 months old on the 25th. He weighs 13 pounds and 15 ounces. He is 25 inches long.  He is average for both weight and height. We love him so much!!!

Things to know about me at 4 months old:
  1. I love to talk and have a VERY loud voice.
  2. I  laugh all the time now especially at Brody and Daddy.
  3. I LOVE to be carried on Daddy's chest.
  4. I can grab things now, and I especially like to grab Mommy's hair.
  5. I put everything I grab into my mouth.
  6. Sleeping for long stretches is still a challenge for me. 
  7. I kick my legs all the time.
  8. I have the best smile!
  9. People watching is one of my favorite things to do.
  10. I am very alert and am well aware if any noises occur.

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