Friday, June 28, 2013

Bryson - 5 Months Old

Bryson turned 5 months old on June. Here are more things to know bout me at 5 months:
 1) Daddy can always make me smile.
 2) I still love to be on Daddy's chest.
 3) I enjoy being outside and watching the big kids play.
 4) I am eating solid vegetables now as you will see below.
 5) I am not sleeping as well anymore but am in my crib most of the time.
 6) I grab anything and everything now. I especially love fingers.
 7) I talk all the time and Daddy says he heard me say, "DaDa." 
 8) I can almost sit up by myself.
 9) I really enjoy being held which is hard for Mommy and Daddy sometimes.
10) I like to flirt with the ladies!
Here I am snuggling with Papaw Rick.
I love for Great Grandma to hold me.
This is my first time eating solids. I love all my veggies so far but not the rice cereal.
So happy!
I even let my big brother feed me.
I love my food and want it now!

Orlando 2013 - Disney/Hotel

My best buddy, Zach, met us at Disney World. I was so surprised to see him. We had so much fun!
This is us acting silly!
What an awesome place!!!
We are so goofy!
I had fun at the character dinner.
Here I am with Tigger and Zach.
This is Daddy and I at the pool at our hotel.
Our hotel pool even had water slides which was awesome.
Mommy, Bryson and I enjoyed the pool a lot.
Here I am having a cocktail at the bar. :)
Lovin' the cheese sticks! I also did karaoke at the bar a couple of times. I sang ,  "Faithfully," by Journey and  "Starships," by Nicki Minaj. I was a crowd favorite! 
I love to cuddle with Bryson and Mommy.

Orlando 2013 - Universal Studios/Legoland

We just took our first trip to Orlando in June. Our first stop was Universal Studios.
This is Mommy and Bryson with the Shrek characters.
My first ride was the Despicable Me ride, and it was awesome.
Of course, I had to go on the Twister simulation right away because I love tornadoes!
I made Mommy take a picture of this. 
I also got to play at the Curious George water park. 
This is how Bryson spent most of the day.
We had a great time!
Surfs up, dude!
The water park was so much fun.
Bryson had a blast, too!
We also went to Legoland while we were in Orlando.
This place was so cool!
I could not believe all the things that were made out of Legos.
I liked this place because I could play with Legos while Mommy or Daddy waited in line.
Mommy and I on our safari.
This is us on a boat ride.
Again, this is how Bryson spent  most of us time.
Don't eat me, Lego Jaws!
Here I am riding in my Lego car.
Look, I even got my license.
This is Mommy's car completely made out of Legos. 
Here I am on my first real roller coaster. I LOVED it!!!
Arms up!
There is also an amazing Lego exhibit with tons of cities in the USA. It is unbelievable.!