Friday, June 28, 2013

Bryson - 5 Months Old

Bryson turned 5 months old on June. Here are more things to know bout me at 5 months:
 1) Daddy can always make me smile.
 2) I still love to be on Daddy's chest.
 3) I enjoy being outside and watching the big kids play.
 4) I am eating solid vegetables now as you will see below.
 5) I am not sleeping as well anymore but am in my crib most of the time.
 6) I grab anything and everything now. I especially love fingers.
 7) I talk all the time and Daddy says he heard me say, "DaDa." 
 8) I can almost sit up by myself.
 9) I really enjoy being held which is hard for Mommy and Daddy sometimes.
10) I like to flirt with the ladies!
Here I am snuggling with Papaw Rick.
I love for Great Grandma to hold me.
This is my first time eating solids. I love all my veggies so far but not the rice cereal.
So happy!
I even let my big brother feed me.
I love my food and want it now!

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