Saturday, July 27, 2013

Bryson - 6 Months Old

I am six months old, and Mommy got the perfect picture of me because I put anything I can in my mouth these days!

Here is a top 10 list of things to know about me now that I am 6 months old:

1) I can sit up all by myself.
2) I put EVERYTHING in my mouth.
3) As soon as I see any food or drink, I "talk" until I get some or someone distracts me.
4) I make a high pitched squeal all the time.
5) I am sleeping through the night now which makes Mommy VERY happy.
6) I am on a pretty consistent feeding/sleeping schedule throughout the day.
7) Brody and Daddy can still always make me smile!
8) I enjoy my walks around the neighborhood and being outside with the big kids.
9) I am eating most all of the fruits and vegetables my Mommy and Daddy feed me. 
10) I am a happy baby most of the time!!!!

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