Saturday, August 31, 2013

Bryson - 7 Months Old

Bryson is one happy 7 month old boy! Here are few pictures of our big boy.
He is very close to crawling. If he REALLY wants something he will scoot himself to it.
He is trying so hard to get that marker.
He decided he really wanted to eat his sign.
He finally got and of course, it went right to his mouth!

Here is my top 10 lists of things to know about me now that I am 7 months old:

1) I still LOVE to smile.
2) I am a very happy baby most of the time.
3) I am starting to eat finger foods and am pretty good picking up my food all by myself.
4) I can hold my own bottle and sippy cup to drink my milk and water.
5)I really like to swim with my Daddy and brother.
6)I have my Grandma and Papaw wrapped around my little finger. 
7) I am sleeping well through the night.
8) I enjoy sitting up and playing with my toys now.
9) I have my two front bottom teeth coming in so I am drooling a lot!
10) I am starting to scoot to get the things I REALLY want. 

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