Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Bryson - 8 Months Old

Happy 8 Months to my sweet baby, Bryson!!!!
Here is my top 10 lists of things to know about me now that I am 8 months old:

1) I still LOVE to smile!
2) I am a very happy baby unless I am hungry or very tired.
3) I am eating lots of finger foods!
4) I am so close to crawling as you can see in my picture.
5)I babble all the time and am VERY loud like my brother.
6)I am always aware of what is going on around me.
7) I am starting to know when Mommy leaves and am not liking it.
8) I enjoy playing with any toys that are really not toys like water bottles, paper, pens, remotes and markers.
9) I say, "Da Da," all the time and sometimes "MaMa."
10) I love to be sang to when I am upset.

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