Sunday, April 3, 2011

More Birthday Celebrations!

On Saturday, I had my birthday celebration with my friends at Fundamentals by Wrights. It was a blast! I was so happy to see many of my friends and play with all the cool equipment at the gym. The picture above is of my basketball cupcake cake which I, of course, had to have since it is the final four. Go Butler!! Thank you so much to all of you who came to celebrate my third birthday! Here I am with Mommy and Daddy posing for a quick picture after we ate our cupcakes, and I am sure you can tell from my Daddy's teeth that he enjoyed a cupcake as well! =) What an adorable three year old!!! Yes, I am 3, and I can even show you how old I am with my fingers. Parachute time!!!!! Luke and Natalie hanging out in the ball pit. Even some of the Daddy's got in on the fun in the ball pit!! =) I am getting to be so brave! This is me waiting my turn to ride the zip-line. As you can see, I was pretty nervous. You can watch me actually zip-line of the video below. My Mommy got some of the kids from the party to pose for a group shot on the parachute. Ellie, Natalie, Jake, Luke, me, Ally, and Parker were trying our best to pose for Mommy before we ate. Charlie, Liam, and Carter wanted to keep on playing or sleeping instead of taking silly pictures! Before my party, Uncle Ryan and Gina came over to see me. They got me a cool baseball tee! On Sunday, Great Grandma and Aunt Robbi came down to my house celebrate some more with me. Great Grandma even made me this delicous cake! Here is part of the Baker clan! I was so happy they came to visit me. Just call me DJ Brody B!!!! Great Grandma got me this toy for my birthday, and I absolutely LOVE it!

Here I am on the zip-line. What a great day!!!!

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