Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday, Brody!

Look how big my cousin Henry is getting! We will be the same size before you know it! Henry is getting to be such a big boy like me. I LOVED my cookie cake! I stuffed it in my mouth as soon as Mommy said I could eat it! This is my cool new bike from Grandma and Papaw Antrobus. I cannot wait for it to get warmer so I can ride it around the neighborhood.
This is quick video of us celebrating Brody's b-day at the Antrobus house. I love to blow out the candles now and enjoy singing, "Happy Birthday," even if it is to myself. Listen for my little April fools joke at then end of the video!
I loved opening my presents and really liked my new car wash from Aunt Carrie and Uncle Wes. I am obsessed with car washes and especially Mike's Car Wash. =)

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