Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas 2011

This is me in Wabash opening my presents from Grandma Sue and Papaw Jim.

I got the most awesome train table from them. I absolutely LOVE it!!

Aunt Megan and Uncle Chris got me some trains and cars to go with my new train table.

I was so excited to open my gifts this year. All the train stuff I got made me so happy!

Not sure what the gift was that I was opening but as you can tell, I must have really liked it.

I also enjoyed being Santa this year at my Great Grandma's house and passing out all the gifts to everyone.

This is me on Christmas morning at my house opening gifts. I got lots of Hot Wheels tracks that Daddy and I can race on.

Here is my new Chuggington video from Santa.

This is the new Lego table Santa brought me. I have already used it a lot.

Santa was very nice to me this year. I must have been a good boy most of the time! =)

This is me on Christmas Day at my Grandpa and Grandma Antrobus' house. Here I am opening a gift from Uncle Wes, Aunt Carrie, and Henry.

Go Hoosiers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Henry and I had a great Christmas together!

This is Uncle Wes, Aunt Carrie and Henry. Henry is getting so big, and we love to play together unless Henry is taking my toys. =)

This is my Aunt Andrea and Ben. They got me a cool train puzzle for Christmas.

Merry Christmas, everyone!!!! We are so blessed and thankful for all we have. Thanks again to all of our families for making this such a special Christmas.

Here are some videos of me on Christmas. Sorry there are so many but Mommy could not choose which ones she liked most. This first video is of my opening my gifts at Grandma Sue's house in Wabash.

Here I am opening my new Karaoke machine from Aunt Megan and Uncle Chris. It was also one of my favorite gifts since you know I love to perform. The funny thing in this video is that when I opened the gift if you listen closely I thought it was a washing machine at first and then a refrigerator and was so excited about that!

I got a new Thomas the Train track from Papaw Rick. This video again shows my excitement every time I get a new gift.

This is me on Christmas morning at my house when I came downstairs and saw all the gifts Santa had left for me. I am a very lucky boy!

This is me opening some gifts from Santa. Mommy thought it was so funny that each time I opened a gift I said, "Oh my gosh!"

This video has a great quote from me about Santa.

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